This application 'Sahaja Upachara' is a Naturopathy and Ayurveda based healthcare application in Odia (Oriya) language, which is your one stop solution to all of our usual health issues using the items found around you and in the nature.
It provides herbal solutions your health problems.
It is completely in Oriya (Odia) language. It is for all the Odia (Oriya) friends living inside and outside Odisha (Orissa).
The remedies suggested are based on the food materials we use in our day today life, which don't have any side effects. They are pure home remedies.
The app also provides information on various diseases, their causes, general health care to prevent that disease and precautions to be taken for that disease.
The interface is very simple - you search the ailment or the symptom in the search window of the app, relevant ailments will be displayed. Then tap on the ailment or disease you are interested in. Then the app will display another window displaying the symptoms, precautions and associated remedies for that ailment or disease. You can also see all the Ailments by tapping ‘Show All’ menu at the top.
If you find a particular remedy quite effective and you are happy with it, please give a thumbs up to it. The number of likes will be displayed against that remedy, which will help other users as well.
There are also useful health tips, which is provided by this app.
Please provide your feedback consistently. It will help improving the app and in serving you better.
Thanks a lot for using this app.
Jai Jagannath!